Writing an emulator: the first steps
A promising start in which, after about 2000 words, I finally get to execute literally three bytes of machine code.
A promising start in which, after about 2000 words, I finally get to execute literally three bytes of machine code.
TL;DR: I started writing a Game Boy emulator in Go in June 2018 and since then, at least three distinct people have expressed polite interest in the details. I hope to show how it’s done, in mildly-to-heavily technical terms. It’s going to take a while but I hope it turns out marginally informative.
I’m still trying to see if I can easily salvage the few posts from LiveJournal, if only because I’d like having everything in one place, and preferably a place I own. Unfortunately, a lot of time and software versions went by since then, which makes the importing process… tedious. If I end up writing custom …
Summer isn’t my kind of season. I’m seldom at my best in summer. If anything, I’ve been particularly depressed when temperatures started steadily rising above 25°C, a few weeks ago. We’ve been looking into air conditioning, but our Western European culture isn’t quite familiar with the whole concept. Sure, you can find a few models …
Glimpses of an old Python parser for custom tags in MU* logfiles.
I like the fact the NaNoWriMo website now stores novels statistics. It makes me realize how much more disciplined I’ve gotten over the years. But I was bothered by the fact I didn’t have the word count statistics for the very first year I did it. Well, thanks to versioning and scripting, I could roughly …
Honestly, what’s the worst, here? That I’m writing dirty, dirty MUSH code in 2013? On a Friday evening? Alone with a beer? In a text editor for which I created a specific syntax highlighting configuration? Or maybe the fact I’m having so much FUN doing it?
How do you call something that’s been working so perfectly for the past ten years that nobody ever felt the need to touch it?
Let me explain…